This partial list of my work shows the varied topics and types of training I’ve provided throughout the U.S. and beyond. They range from one-off webinars to strategic series of webinars; from Staff Day trainings to statewide Keynotes; from hour-long Conference Sessions to half-day, face-to-face Workshops.
I’ve been hired by individual libraries, regional co-operatives, state libraries, regional and national conferences, and national training agencies, as well as vendors.
Peruse this list to get ideas about what I can do for your organization! While I have a handful of standard classes, I love to customize training for local needs.

- Bernardsville (NJ) Public Library, Staff Day, May 10, 2024. Customized training session with walk-about for advice & discussion: “Adopt Merchandising Techniques to Increase Circulation”
- Florida Libraries Online Conference, June 13, 2024. “Convincing Communities to Collaborate With Libraries”
- California Libraries Learn (CALL) / California State Library, Aug. 7 – 8, 2024. Customized, half-day, in-person workshops: “Gaining Confidence in Public Speaking” and “External Communications Training and Practice”
- LibraryWorks, multiple webinars for a national audience, including: “Don’t Guess What People Want: Design Good Surveys to Find Out” on Sept. 19, and “If You Bought It, Flaunt It: Promote Your Collections to Increase Usage” on Dec. 12, 2024
- FEDLINK (LoC) Spring Expo, May 10, 2023. Online Session: “From Annual Reports to Elevators: How to Prove Your Value to Stakeholders”
- Florida Libraries Online Conference, June 15, 2023. Online Session: “Reaching Out, Welcoming In: Connecting With People in the Shadows”
- Medical Library Assn., Liberty Chapter Annual Meeting, Oct. 11, 2023. Keynote: “Raising Your Voices without raising your voice”
- Arkansas Library Assn./Southeastern Library Assn., ArLA/SELA Joint Conference, Oct. 14, 2023. Keynote: “Practical Ways to Prove That Your Libraries Are Essential”
- LibraryWorks, multiple webinars for a national audience, including: “Use Strategic Communication to Influence Your Library’s Stakeholders” on Jan. 26, and “Tired of Hearing, ‘I didn’t know the library did that’? Here’s Your Fix!” on Feb. 2, 2023
- Missouri State Library, March 2, 2022. Webinar, part of the New Directors series: “Effective Communication Plans for Library Administrators”
- Southeastern Chapter of the Pennsylvania Library Association, Support Staff Workshop, June 9, 2022. Online Session: “Increase Library Usage Through Strategic Merchandising”
- Worcester County (MD) Library, Staff Day, Oct. 10, 2022. Customized Training: “Promoting Your Collections to Bring People Back”
- Legal Information and Resource Network (an Ontario co-op), Learn with LiRN Annual Conference, Canada, Oct. 13, 2022. Keynote: “Drawing Lawyers Back Into LiRN Libraries”
- SirsiDynix, Connections Conference, Nov. 15, 2022. Online Session: “How to Make Your Communications More Effective”
- LibraryWorks, 10 webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- PCI Webinars, two webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- Missouri State Library
- Webinar: “What They Didn’t Teach in Library School: The Cycle of True Marketing,” April 27, 2021.
- Follow-up Webinar: “Follow-Up Strategies: What They Didn’t Teach in Library School: The Cycle of True Marketing,” May 19, 2021
- Utah State Library Division Webinar: “How to Write Effective Survey Questions,” July 1, 2021. Webinar: “How to Get $10,00/Month in Free Advertising from Google,” Aug. 2, 2021.
- Ontario Library Association, Marketing Libraries Think Tank Conference, Canada, Oct. 25, 2021. Webinar: “Welcome Back! How Are Your Communities Responding?”
- State Library of Louisiana, Nov. 5, 2021. Keynote: Annual Fall Administrative Librarians’ Conference: “How to Increase Your Community Impact and Influence Your Stakeholders”
- Rural Library Summit, sponsored by IMLS, Save the Children, and Berea College, Dec. 1, 2021. Webinar: “How to Reach Marginalized Populations”
- LibraryWorks, three webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- PCI Webinars, two webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- Jacksonville (FL) Public Library, Aug. 5, 2020. Customized Online Workshop, 1.5 hours: “Connecting Collections and Programs for Great User Experiences”
- Montgomery College Library, MD, Aug. 13, 2020. Online Workshop: “The Value of Effective External Communications” (to broaden staff acceptance of a new Communications Plan)
- State of Vermont, Dept. of Libraries, 2020 Trustees and Friends Conference, Barre, VT, Sept. 24, 2020. Online Workshop, 2 hours: “A Crash Course in Communications for Library Supporters”
- LibraryWorks, seven webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- PCI Webinars, six webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- Washington State Library, First Tuesdays Webinar, presented with NewsBank, Jan. 8, 2019. “Delivering Value through Electronic Resources”
- Cherry Hill Public Library, Cherry Hill, NJ, Feb. 22, 2019. Staff Day Keynote: “Marketing, Brand Touchpoints, and You“
- NorthEast Ohio Regional Library System. Webinar: “Increase Library Usage through Strategic Merchandising,” April 18, 2019. Half-Day Workshop, in person: “Crafting Effective Messages: The Art and Science of Marketing Communications,” Aug. 8, 2019.
- SLA Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 15, 2019. Half-Day Workshop, in person, approved for CEUs: “Writing Influential Copy: Value Statements, Elevator Speeches, and More”
- LibraryWorks, seven webinars throughout the year for a national audience.
- Panhandle Library Access Network, four webinars throughout the year for a regional co-operative.
- PCI Webinars, three webinars throughout the year for a national audience.

- Library and Information Association of South Africa, Marketing and Advocacy Interest Group, Pretoria, South Africa, Feb. 13, 2018. Webinar: “What Accidental Marketers Need to Know: The Cycle of True Marketing”
- ALA Annual Conference, OCLC-sponsored session, New Orleans, LA, June 24, 2018.
- “Marketing Strategy, Marketing Plan, and Marketing Tactics: Why You Need All Three!”
- SLA Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 13, 2018. “Learn Library Marketing Basics in an Hour!”
- Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Aug. 2018. Pair of webinars: “How to Craft Compelling Messages: Elevator Speeches, Soundbites, and More.” The first taught how to write messages; the second evaluated statements that attendees had written and submitted.
- PCI Webinars, webinar for a national audience, Aug. 30, 2018 “20 Marketing Resources in 60 Minutes”
- LibraryWorks, multiple webinars for a national audience.
- “How to Write for the Library Press (and Make Editors Love You),” April 11, 2018.
- “Using an Elevator Speech to Prove Your Value,” May 3, 2018
- “Increasing Library Usage Through Strategic Merchandising,” Oct. 4, 2018
- Library Marketing and Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, Nov. 14, 2018. “The Art and Science of Marketing Communications”
- PCI Webinars, webinar for a national audience, April 11, 2017 “How to Write for the Library Press (and Make Editors Love You)”
- Panhandle Library Access Network Advocacy Conference, Florida State University, Panama City, FL, April 21, 2017.
- “Word-of-Mouth Advocacy”
- “Community Partnerships: Make New Friends and Advocates”
- Outagamie Waupaca Library System, Appleton, WI, Nov. 3, 2017.
- Collection Development Webinar Series: Promotion
- Webinar: “Promoting Your Collections: Merchandising and More”
- Southeast Florida Library Information Network (SEFLIN, a multi-type library co-operative),
- Customized Training Series, Spring 2016.
- Introductory Webinar, 90 min, online, April: “Making Marketing Your BFF.”
- Follow-Up Half-Day Workshop, given twice (in Palm Beach County and Miami-Dade County), May: “Changes and Challenges: Demystifying Library Marketing”
- Association of Christian Librarians Conference, Jefferson City, TN, June 2015. Half-Day Preconference Workshop: “Marketing 101: What You Never Learned in Library School”
Public Libraries Association Conference, Indianapolis, March 2014. “Does This Display Make Me Look Fat? The Truth About Merchandising”
Library Communications Conference, Mt Laurel, NJ, October 2014.
Keynote: “It’s Not About You! Ensuring a Great User Experience”
Session: “How to Write Really Effective Survey Questions”
- IslandLink Library Federation, British Columbia, Canada, May–Dec. 2013. Series of Webinars: MarCom Bootcamp (8 webinars of 90 min each)
- State Library of Ohio, ILEAD USA, Sept.–Oct. 2013.
- Intersession Webinar for Ohio’s ILEAD USA teams: “Can You Hear Me Now? Making Sure Your Message Really Gets Across” (Sept.)
- Half-Day Workshop: “Essential Strategies for Accidental Marketers” (Oct.)
- ALA Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 25, 2012. “Battle Decks” speaking competition
- Computers in Libraries Conference, Washington, D.C., March 24, 2012. Half-Day Workshop: “Optimizing Your Website: Better Metadata = Better Marketing” (with J.D. Thomas)
- New England Law Library Consortium Symposium 2012, Albany, NY, March 13, 2012. “Essential Strategies for Accidental Marketers”
- Staff Development Day, Loudoun County Public Library, Leesburg, VA, Dec. 9, 2011. “What ‘Accidental Marketers’ Need to Know”
- New Jersey Association of School Librarians Fall Conference, Long Branch, NJ, Dec. 2, 2011.
- Keynote: “Fighting for School Libraries: Information and Inspiration”
- Session: “How to Educate the Educators About the True Value of Libraries”
- Congres des Milieux (CMD) Documentaires du Quebec, l’Association des bibliothécaires du Québec / Quebec Library Association (ABQLA), Montreal, Canada, Nov. 30, 2011. Workshop: “Writing Marketing Messages That Matter”
- Association of Library Communications & Outreach Professionals (ALCOP) Inaugural Conference, Glenside, PA, Oct. 9, 2011. Keynote: “How to Communicate Your Value”
- ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, June 25, 2011. RUSA President’s Program Panel: “Marketing Reference on a Dime”
- New Jersey Library Association Annual Conference, Long Branch, NJ, May 4, 2011. College and University Section / ACRL-NJ Chapter. Luncheon Keynote: “Promote Your Value; Prove You’re Essential”
- Congres DB Update 2011, Rotterdam, Netherlands, March 31, 2011. “American Perspective on Ebooks, Publishing, Graphics, and Libraries”
- Goethe-Institut library, North American region, New York City, March 2011. Full-Day Staff Workshop and Brainstorming: “Marketing a Small & Specialized Library”
- Florida Public Library Directors’ Annual Meeting, Tallahassee, FL, Oct. 8, 2010. “Promoting and Publicizing the Value of Your Library” (publicizing ROI study results)
- Rural Libraries Conference 2010, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, Sept. 30, 2010.
- Keynote: “Libraries Are Still Essential”
- Session: ” ‘Accidental’ Marketing in Public Libraries”
- Texas Library Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 15–16, 2010.
- “The Accidental Marketer: Selling Your Library”
- “Building Community Partnerships: 25 Profitable Ideas”
- SLA Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO, Washington, D.C., June 13, 2009. Half-Day Workshop: “Create a Customized Marketing Plan to Target Your Info Center’s Clients” (approved for CEUs)
- UGameULearn Symposium, Technical University of Delft, in Delft, Netherlands, April 23, 2009. “How Your Library Can Find Its Phoenix Through Marketing”
Ultimate Marketing Boot Camp, Ocean County (NJ) Library, Dec. 4, 2008. Workshop: Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Staff Training, Old Bridge (NJ) Public Library, Nov. 6, 2008. “Press Release Writing and Media Relations”
Ocean County Library, Marketing Plan, Toms River, NJ, Winter 2006 – Summer 2007.
Proposed and executed a five-phase project that resulted in a new Marketing Plan (with Christie Koontz, Ph.D.). Included conducting focus groups with the public and staffers, an all-staff email survey, and a SWOT analysis with selected staffers.
Strategic Conversations with Leaders series, Audio Conference, April 2006. Part of The Education Institute, sponsored by The Partnership, Canada’s national network of provincial and territorial library associations. “Promoting Your Library’s Services: Top Tips”
New Jersey Library Association Conference, Long Branch, NJ, April 2006. “Building Alliances: 25 Ideas in 50 Minutes”
- Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania Fall Meeting, Grantville, PA, October 2004. Keynote: “Visible or Invisible? Marketing to Ensure Visibility” Panelist for discussion on promotional/visibility ideas
- ACRL / New England Chapter Spring Conference, Bryant College, Smithfield, RI, April 2004. “Marketing Library Services”
- SUNY Council of Library Directors Annual Meeting, Kerhonkson, NY, April 2004. Keynote: “Marketing Library Services and Activities”
- South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative Workshop, Voorhees, NJ, February 2004. Full-Day Workshop: “Create Your Own Customized Marketing Plan”
- Medical Library Association local “Quint” chapter annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 2003. Half-Day Workshop: “Create Your Own Customized Marketing Plan to Target Your Info Center’s Customers” (approved for CEUs)
Pacific Northwest Library Association Conference, Missoula, MT, August 2002. Co-Presenter: “The Write Stuff” session (writing for the library press)
SLA Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Spring Meeting, Princeton, NJ, April 2002. Closing speaker: “Marketing Library Services Forum”
1995 - 2000
- 2000
- Dartmouth College Biomedical Libraries’ October Conference for New England Librarians, Lebanon, NH, October 2000. Keynote: “Marketing Libraries: Beyond Basics and Brochures”
- Closing session: “More Marketing Ideas to Use”
- 1999
- MLA Hospital Libraries Section 1999 Institute, Chicago, May 1999. “Marketing in a Nutshell” (presentation given four times throughout the day)
- 1997
- Library Public Relations Council Meeting, New York City, November 1997. Speaker for dinner program: “Marketing Your Technology”
- New Jersey Library Association and NJ Association of Library Assistants Co-sponsored Institute, Manalapan, NJ, March 1997. Opening speaker: “Marketing Your Library to Readers”
- 1996
- SLA / Washington, D.C. Chapter’s Swap & Shop, Washington, D.C., October 1996. Spoke on what makes good marketing materials, then commented on individual pieces in a small Swap & Shop event
- 1995
- EBSCO Executive Seminar Series, Birmingham, AL, November 1995. Spoke on a panel that focused on marketing during 2 days of meetings