Writing and Publishing
- “Communication, Inclusivity, and Accessibility Lessons From ALA 2023,” a Report From the Field, Information Today, Sept. 2023.
- “Hot Library Machinery Spotted at ALA 2023,” cover story, Computers in Libraries, Oct. 2023.
- “An Historical Overview of Marketing in U.S. Libraries: From Dana to Digital,” a double-blind peer-reviewed paper in Marketing Libraries Journal, v.3, #1, Spring 2019. pp. 26 – 49.
- “L’évolution du Marketing dans les bibliothèques Américan” (“The Evolution of Marketing in American Libraries”), an invited paper in a marketing-themed issue of Documentation et Bibliothèques, v. 63, #2, Avril – June 2017. Translated to French and published by the Association canadienne des bibliothécaires de langue française / ASTED, in Montréal, for all French-speaking countries.
- Professional Blogging, 2008 – 2020. Joined Nancy Dowd (Director of Marketing and PR at the NJ State Library) on her established blog about library marketing: “The M Word“
- “25 Greatest Takeaways from ALA 2013,” guest post on LibraryScienceList.com, July 11, 2013
- The Accidental Library Marketer, by Kathy Dempsey. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2009. 280pp

- “Five Ways You Can Save Money by Marketing,” how-to in Marketing Library Services, May/June 2009. pp 1-2.
- “Interesting Library Practices From Around the World,” cover story in New Jersey Libraries NEWSletter, Spring 2009. Published by the New Jersey Library Association. pp. 1, 4.
- “Create Experiences and Form Tribes,” cover story in Marketing Library Services, Jan./Feb. 2009. pp. 1, 4-6.
- ShanachieTour: A Library Road Trip Across America, by Erik Boekesteijn and Jaap van de Geer with photographs by Geert van den Boogaard. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2008. I was the Project Editor for the whole book / DVD movie set. Also contributed the Editor’s Preface and the Commentary section of Chapter 12.
- ThinkeringSpace Project Aims to Provide a New Way to Play in the 21st Century,” a Newsbreak for Information Today, Inc. Posted July 28, 2008.
- “The Library of Congress Delivers a Whole New Experience:, a Newsbreak for Information Today, Inc. Posted April 14, 2008.
- “Librarians’ Feelings About Automation Is More ‘Validating’ Than ‘Surprising’,” a Newsbreak for Information Today, Inc. Posted Jan. 28, 2008.
- Marketing Library and Information Services: International Perspectives, edited by Gupta, Koontz, Massisimo, and Savard for IFLA. Munich, Germany: K.G. Saur Verlag GmbH, 2006. Contributed a chapter: “Marketing Library Services Newsletter: An Overview,” for Section VI, Databases and Other Marketing Literature. pp. 410–419.
- “Our Brains Are Different,” guest column in The One-Person Library, vol. 23, no. 2, June 2006, p. 8.
- The Bowker Annual: Library and Book Trade Almanac. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2006, 51st ed. Contributed a chapter: “The Year in Public Libraries: Legal Issues and Natural Disasters Make Headlines, Social Technologies Emerge,” for Part 1, Reports from the Field. pp. 3–7.
- The Bowker Annual: Library and Book Trade Almanac. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2005, 50th ed. Contributed a chapter: “The Year in Public Libraries: Budgets, Technology, Outreach,” for Part 1, Reports from the Field. pp. 3–8.
- The Bowker Annual: Library and Book Trade Almanac. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2004, 49th ed. Contributed a chapter: “The Year in Public Libraries: Earnest Campaigns, Legal Battles, and Hot High-Tech,” for Part 1, Reports from the Field. pp. 3–6.
- “Librarians Versus the USA PATRIOT Act,” intelligence report for Faulkner SMP (Security Management Practices) subscription series, Nov. 2004. Faulkner Information Services (a division of Information Today, Inc.), Pennsauken, NJ.
- “Library Applications of Radio Frequency Identification,” intelligence report for Faulkner SMP (Security Management Practices) subscription series, Dec. 2004. Faulkner Information Services (a division of Information Today, Inc.), Pennsauken, NJ.
- Quoted in “In changing times, libraries test new survival strategies,” by Maria Cramer, in Boston.com (The Boston Globe online), 3/11/2004.
- “School libraries are for discovery, not dictated tastes,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, South Jersey edition, Commentary. Mon., March 1, 2004.
- The Visible Librarian: Asserting Your Value with Marketing and Advocacy, by Judith A. Siess. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2003. Contributed the Foreword.
- The Accidental Systems Librarian, by Rachel Singer Gordon. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2003. Contributed the Foreword.
- “Visibility: Decloaking ‘the Invisible Librarian’ ” in Searcher, July/August 2002. pp. 76–81.
- Numerous articles, editorials, and book reviews in Marketing Library Services, Computers in Libraries, Information Today, and Information World Review.