References to info about various aspects of marketing & promotion, organized by topic
- “What ‘Marketing’ Really Means,” definitions of commonly confused marketing words from a post on The M Word blog
- Glossary of Marketing Definitions from IFLA
Finding Support for Marketing
- Elliott, Donald S.; Holt, Glen E.; Hayden, Sterling W.; and Holt, Leslie Edmonds, 2007. Measuring Your Library’s Value: How to Do a Cost-Benefit Analysis for Your Public Library. Chicago: ALA Editions. ISBN: 978-0-8389-0923-2.
- Hart, Keith, 1999. Putting Marketing Ideas into Action. London: Library Association Publishing. 99 pgs., paperback. ISBN: 1-85604-182-4. $30. (In the US, order from Bernan Associates, Lanham, MD, 301/459-2255.)
- Huwe, Terence K., 2006. “Empower the Staff First for More Effective Outreach.” Computers in Libraries, v. 26, n. 8, September.
- Koontz, C. M., 2007. “Identifying and Utilizing Library Stakeholders.” Marketing Library Services, v. 21, n. 3, May/June.
- Siess, Judith, 2003. The Visible Librarian: Asserting Your Value with Marketing and Advocacy. Chicago: ALA Editions. ISBN: 0-8389-0848-9.
- Weinstein, Beth, 2003. “For the Best Library Marketing, Get Your Whole Staff on Board,” Marketing Library Services, v. 14, n. 1, Jan./Feb.
Quotations about Libraries and Librarians from IFLA.
Library Quotes from Brainy Quote
Return on Investment
- Reinvesting and Renewing for the 21st Century: A Community and Economic Benefits Study of San Francisco’s Branch Library Improvement Program (BLIP), September 2015, is a report proving how much library expansions stimulated local economic development.
- Return on Investment in Florida Public Libraries is a 2010 study commissioned by the State Library and Archives of Florida.
- Return on Investment Study of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library 2010 is the result of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute doing a joint study to estimate the value of public libraries to Mecklenburg County residents in 2010.
- Stop the Madness: The Insanity of ROI and the Need for New Qualitative Measures of Academic Library Success, by James Neal. Paper from ACRL’s 2011 conference in Philadelphia.
- Towards Demonstrating Value: Measuring the Contributions of Library Collections to University Research and Teaching Goals, by Denise Pan, Gabrielle Wiersma, and Yem Fong. Paper from ACRL’s 2011 conference in Philadelphia.
Social Media
- “Tips from Sir Cluckerton: Effective and Fun Social Media with a Library Mascot,” by Allison Boswell and Laura Pitts, Marketing Libraries Journal, v 8, iss 1, Fall 2024.
- Marketing and Social Media: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums, Second Edition, by Lorri Mon and Christie Koontz. Dec. 2020. New Edition coming in 2025.
- “Connecting With Students Where They Are: On Facebook” by Miller, Sarah Elizabeth and Jensen, Lauren A., Marketing Library Services, v 21, n 5, Sept/Oct 2007. p 1-3.
- Doing Social Media So It Matters: A Librarian’s Guide by Laura Solomon. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8389-1067-2.
- “HOW TO: Create a Facebook Engagement Policy” by Leyl Master Black., Jan. 31, 2011.
- “Marketing library services through Facebook groups” by Xia, Z. D. Library Management, 30, Jan. 2009. p 469-478.
- “Measure the Results of Your Activity on Social Media Sites” by Fichter, Darlene and Wisniewski, Jeff. Marketing Library Services, v 23, n 2, March/April 2009. p 7-9.
- Teens & Social Media in School & Public Libraries: A Toolkit for Librarians & Library Workers, from YALSA, Feb. 2011.
Value of Libraries
- “Measuring the Social Impact of Toronto Public Library” study by TPL and Danish firm Seismonaut, using its unique Experience Impact Compass. This study “moves beyond traditional statistical reporting measures — like number of visits and uses of services — and helps us better understand the ways that TPL services actually impact library users.” May 2024
- “College Research Tips” video from Modesto Junior College Instruction Librarian Kathleen Ennis. 3.5 minutes on how library resources allow students to do better, faster online research. Explained in language that’s perfect for college students.
- “Libraries Success by Constantly Evolving” article from The Huffington Post. By Susan H. Hildreth, Director of IMLS. Jan. 13, 2012.
- “Professional Librarians” blog post from the UK’s Voices for the Library blog. Why libraries need to be run by professionals, not just volunteers. Nov. 28, 2010.
Web Marketing Strategies
- Article from The Yahoo! Style Guide called called “Eye-Tracking: Where Do Readers Look First?” Explains how people’s eyes scan web pages, where they look most often. This is where your most important content should be.
- Research published May 2011: “No Clicks, No Problem: Using Cursor Movements to Understand and Improve Search.” Done by Microsoft & the University of Washington iSchool. Tracking where people look and place cursors on pages can help understand user behavior and thereby help design better websites. An article on the Marketingsherpa blog explains more.
- There is a long, well-organized post called “A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008” on a blog called Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang. It discusses many forms of web marketing, including using portals, SEO, email, social media, widgets, virtual worlds, and much more. In the intro, the author explains: “This document catalogs the many tools and tactics available for corporate web strategy in 2008. Even if your strategy or resource limitations restrict you from entering all spaces, awareness of the changes in our digital landscape are critical. This document is intended for decision makers roles such as CMO/VP/Director of Web and Marketing.”